Monday, December 28, 2009

Hopewell Village

This is a picture of Hopewell Village, operated by the US Park service. It is definitely one of the best-kept secrets in the Philadelphia area.  You can learn more about Hopewell Village at this link.

Florida Sunset

This was taken near Port Charlotte, Florida. We were in a boat coming back from an alligator tour.  (We did manage to see one alligator, very well hidden and not all photogenic.)

Florida Marsh Bird

This guy was hanging out in a tree in a state wildlife refuge near Port Charlotte, Florida.

Florida Pelican

This guy was just hanging around the dock.

The Chloride Murals

These are murals deep in the desert near Chloride Arizona.  We stumbled on them one day exploring the desert. Chloride is a near ghost town in western Arizona. There is an unpaved road leading back into the desert. The first time I drove it there was a sign at the beginning reading "Warning. Primitive Road.  This road may be closed at any time for any reason." !!!

This is one of my favorite places in all of the desert Southwest.

"You can see More on the Chloride murals at this link.

Blackwater Blue Heron

This is a blue heron taken at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge near Cambridge Maryland

New Jersey Seagull

Monday, December 21, 2009

Arizona Girls

Arizona girls on the old Rt 66 in Oatman Arizona.